7th Annual
Rose City Flying Clays Tyler, TX

Event Details
Saturday, April 26, 2025
Rose City Flying Clays
Tyler, TX
9:00 AM Sporting Clay Registration
10:00 AM Sporting Clay Competition begins
12:00 PM BBQ Lunch, Sporting Clay Awards,
and Skeet Competition Registration
1:00 PM Skeet Competition Begins
4:00 PM Skeet Competition Awards
Please mail your registration to 1561 US Hwy 271 N Gilmer, TX 75644

Our 2024 Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsor: $6,000
Your logo will be displayed on a poster, flyers, and digital advertisements.
Your logo will be displayed in one newsletter in 2025.
Your logo will be on a large individual banner at the event entrance.
Your name will be verbally acknowledged at the event.
Your logo will be displayed on our event website and event T-shirts.
You may put business cards, coupons, or promotional items in the participant gift bags (100 bags).
Entry for (3) teams of 4 to participate in BOTH events and 12 meal tickets.
You will receive acknowledgement on social media.
Gold Sponsor: $3,000
Your logo will be displayed on a poster, flyers, and digital advertisements.
Your logo will be on a medium individual banner at the event.
Your name will be verbally acknowledged at the event.
Your logo will be displayed on our event website.
You may put business cards, coupons, or promotional items in the participant gift bags (100 bags).
Entry for (2) teams of 4 to participate in BOTH events and 8 meal tickets.
You will receive acknowledgment on social media.
Silver Sponsor: $2,000
Your logo will be on a small individual banner at the event.
Your name will be verbally acknowledged at event
Your business name will be displayed on our event website.
You may put business cards, coupons, or promotional items in the participant gift bags (100 bags).
Entry for (1) team of 4 and 4 meal tickets for BOTH events.
You will receive acknowledgment on social media.
Awards Sponsor: $1,000
1 Station sign with business name/logo
You name will be displayed at the awards table.
Your business name/logo will be displayed on our event website.
You may put business cards, coupons, or promotional items in the participant gift bags (100 bags).
Entry for (1) team of 4 for BOTH events.
You will receive an acknowledgement on social media after the event with the announcements of the winning teams.
Food Sponsor: $400
Business name/logo on the banner at the food station and 8 meal tickets.
Business name/logo will be displayed on the event website.
You may put business cards, coupons, or promotional items in the participant gift bags (100 bags).
You will receive an acknowledgement on social media.
Station Sponsor: $100
Name/logo on 1 station sign
1 Team of 4 for Skeet Shoot: $200
1 Round of skeet shooting.
Participation fee for 1 team of 4.
Meal tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
1 Team of 4 for Sporting Clays: $300
Participation fee for 1 team of 4 in Sporting Clays Only.
Meal tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
1 Team of 4 for BOTH events: $475
Participation fee for both events (Sporting Clays and Skeet) for 1 team of 4.
4 Meal tickets will be provided.
Individual Shooter for Skeet Shoot Only: $50
1 Round of skeet shooting only.
Participation fee for 1 individual shooter. Individual shooters are not eligible for team awards but the shooter will be eligible for Top Shooter Award.
Meal tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
Individual Shooter for Sporting Clay Competition Only: $100
Entry into the Sporting Clays Competition Only.
Participation fee for 1 individual shooter. Individual shooters are not eligible for team awards but the shooter will be eligible for Top Shooter Award.
Meal tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
Individual Shooter for BOTH Events: $125
Entry into the Sporting Clays Competition and Skeet Shoot.
Participation fee for 1 individual shooter. Individual shooters are not eligible for team awards but the shooter will be eligible for Top Shooter Award.
Meal tickets will be available for purchase at the event.